Friday, April 20, 2007

Hot Fuzz - Movie Review

"Hot Fuzz"

Scorecard Review

Jeff: 'Hot Fuzz' gives comedy, action and genius

Plot: Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) is the best of the best. His arrest record is 400 percent higher than any other officer in London. He's so good, he's making the rest of the department look bad. Because of this, Angel is shipped off to the small, crime-free town of Sandford. There, he is partnered with Danny Butterman (Nick Frost), an over-eager cop dying for some action. Suddenly the town of Sandford has some mysterious accidents and Angel is convinced something is wrong.

Who's it for: This is a comedy for action die-hards (pun intended). The film definitely earns its R rating, with the over-the-top bloody violence in the second half of the movie.

Expectations: I had no expectations when I saw their first film "Shaun of the Dead." But after that, I was expecting more of the same from "Hot Fuzz." It's a brilliant, yet simple idea. Take a genre (zombie flick or cop-buddy movie) and add British comedy. Based on the previews, "Hot Fuzz" looked like non-stop action. This is not the case. The first half of the movie is setting up the action finale.
(click to read the rest)

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