Saturday, March 04, 2006

Conversation Starters - Op/Ed

orginally published -- 10/03/05
Conversation Starters - Op/ed
Perhaps the cookouts are finally coming to an end. But if you still have a few to go to before the winter months keep us indoors, here are some rules to live by.

When it comes to cookouts (it is not a BB-Q unless you are actually barbecuing), one thought keeps running through my head -- and it has nothing to do with the amount of meat I will be eating-What am I going to talk about? Let me expand that thought.

What am I going to talk about with this guy that I have never met, but my girlfriend dragged me to this thing and now she is off talking to her friends and I am standing next to a Bob, Mike, Tim or I don't even remember his name? He is barely talking. We have nothing in common. This is going to last forever, argh!

Pants. That is another thing that reminds me of summer. I am talking about the pants my girlfriend wears in our relationship that puts me in these situations.
(click here to read the rest)

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