Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Summer Movie Preview

Blockbusters on board: Big summer on the big screen

Ahhh, summer. A time to catch up with old friends. And this summer, there are more old friends than ever to choose from when you go to the theater. Whether it’s a sequel, a series, a TV show making the big leap or a trilogy coming to an end, most of the movies we’ll be seeing in the next few months will be familiar faces.
The bottom line for film studios is simple: make money. And continuing a film franchise makes that cha-ching sound just about better than anything else (until it doesn’t, then you hear that sad waa-waa sound from the studio execs).

But we don’t care about the studios. This summer’s all about getting to hang out with those familiar faces again. In the mood to do a little gambling — and perhaps steal millions of dollars? Then you’ll want to give Danny Ocean a call. If you feel like you can’t die and want to prove it by getting into a high-speed car chase, then John McClane or Jason Bourne need to be sitting shotgun. Maybe you want to play dress up with elaborate costumes, makeup and a little make-believe? I recommend Captain Jack Sparrow or that Potter kid. Or perhaps you just want a pal who’s fat, bald and stupid. Is there anyone better than Homer Simpson? Well, maybe an ogre.
(click here to read the rest)

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