Friday, April 06, 2007

Grindhouse - Movie Review


Scorecard Review

Jeff: Despite B-movie trappings, ‘Grindhouse’ gets top marks

Plot: It’s two movies for the price of one. The term “grindhouse” comes from the low-budget exploitation films of the ’60s and ’70s, and this homage is replete with missing reels and classic graphics. First up is Robert Rodriguez with “Planet Terror.” Cherry (Rose McGowan) is a go-go dancer and Wray (Freddy Rodriguez) is her old love. Some chemicals get out, which means people become zombies, Cherry loses a leg, and Wray does his best to help her and the rest of the survivors fight, cut, shoot and blow their way out of town. After some fake trailers it’s Quentin Tarantino’s “Death Proof.” Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell) has a killer car, and he loves to saddle up to young, unsuspecting women. But really, all he hopes for is a chance to rev-up his muscle car and take them down.

Who’s it for: The perfect audience would be die-hard B-movie fans. But beyond that, this is a movie experience with a lot of over-the-top violence and some definite cringe-worthy moments. And when I say experience, I mean long. So settle in. No seriously, get comfortable. “Grindhouse” is 191 minutes. And don’t bring the kids. I can’t imagine a worse movie getting stuck next to an 8-year-old, except maybe “Eyes Wide Shut.”
(click to read the rest)

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